Aēsop general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Australia (1987-)
Dennis Paphitis 
Dennis Paphitis 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://aesop-japan.com/

Online shop : http://www.aesop.com/


Twitter  :

Facebook :

: 4.0  -  Point:5,860 pt (Ranking 7,546)

About Aēsop

Aēsop is fashion brand which it was founded by Dennis Paphitis in australia in 1987 and it is 37 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - Aēsop -

   Aēsop ShinMarunouchi Building

I was looking for a mother's day gift. I went further back led by the lovely scent, there was ISOP shop. I've been using their hand cream and knew the quality was good, so I decided to buy the gift in this shop as anyone would be happy these items from here. It was a bit crowded but there was only one shop assistant. She treated customers as if it was a luxurious hotel so it took her so long for each customer. I wished if there was more staff, I was worried about the time as I popped in on the way home from work. I got hungry and couldn't concentrate with shopping. In the end, I decided to buy a gift set. The staff was very polite and efficient to me as well so I even forgot I was grumpy and enjoyed a chat with her. I was surprised at myself.
I want to go there in the morning or not so busy time to buy something for myself. I want to see her again.

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