LOWRYS FARM general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1992-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.lowrysfarm.jp/

Online shop : http://www.point.jp/lowrysfarm/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/lowrystwit

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lowrysfarm

: 4.0  -  Point:16,422 pt (Ranking 6)


LOWRYS FARM is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1992 and it is 32 years since the establishment. Item is Military jacket, Jacket, outerwear.

Related Reviews  - LOWRYS FARM -


Bought a Red check shirt, a Grey pull-over type parka and a denim skirt. I went to LOWRYS FARM as I wanted Spring clothes that I could coordinate from head to toe. The staff picked some clothes to make me look slimmer as I was a bit chubby, and suggested the total coordination using a pair of shoes from the shop, not my own. I was very pleased that she kindly served, telling me how to coordinate when worn individually.


We can buy trendy items at reasonable price and there are many items for ladies of the wide range of age group between late teens and in their late 30's. I bought Khaki gaucho trousers, and a half-sleeved top with laces along the sleeve edges. All the shop assistants are fashionable and recommend accessories that suit the clothes we chose. The shop is on the ground floor in AEON MALL OKAYAMA and it's easy to look around as the inside is big. We can coordinate overall as there are also hats, shoes and bags.


Purchased a Khaki gaucho trousers. The fabric is thickened and fluffy soft, they look like a skirt. I tried them on as I wasn't sure whether they suited me. Although I didn't know what kind of tops I should wear with them, I decided to buy them as the staff gave me some advice and I could imagine the coordination with my own clothes. Also a shop assistant was wearing the same item and I could learn from her by looking at objectively. The shop was bigger and it had various items.

   LOWRYS FARM namba marui

The shop was slightly crowded as I went on Sunday. Although I wanted to try items on, the staff looked busy and it was difficult to talk to them. I bought a long cardigan for Autumn. I thought it was good that I bought it as the quality was good and the silhouette was beautiful as well as the price wasn't too high. The staff who was running around was very kind with a smile at the till and I shopped comfortably. I'm going to look at the new arrivals when it becomes a bit cooler.

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