Review:No.173722 Word-of-mouth・Review of Hurley Odaiba Diver City Tokyo Plaza | Fashion Collect

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No.173722 Review of Hurley Odaiba Diver City Tokyo Plaza

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   Hurley Odaiba Diver City Tokyo Plaza  [ 2014/12/20 ]

I went to Daiba City in Odaiba to buy a hoodie from Harley the other day.
I was shocked to find the one I wanted to buy had all gone.
However, a shop assistant took another hoodie out of their stock saying that was a new line just came in and they would start selling them from next week, I liked this one better so bought it straight away.
I was pleased there was a thoughtful staff like that person.
I want to go back there to buy more as I love Harley's.

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