Review:No.174149 Word-of-mouth・Review of KATHARINE HAMNETT marui City Yokohama | Fashion Collect

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No.174149 Review of KATHARINE HAMNETT marui City Yokohama

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   KATHARINE HAMNETT marui City Yokohama  [ 2015/01/19 ]

I went and bought a suit for friend’s second wedding reception. I was looked at some suits, but a staff recommended Three Piece Suit cuz it’s mix and match clothes. He told me we can make different impression w/ or w/o a vest, so we don’t have to buy 2 suits even we have a wedding party and after-party repeatedly. His advice convinced me. He also recommended cuff links and a tiepin, those are useful still now. They hemmed up my suit earlier in time for weekend.

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