Review:No.175338 Word-of-mouth・Review of Cath Kidston Terrace mall Shonan | Fashion Collect

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No.175338 Review of Cath Kidston Terrace mall Shonan

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   Cath Kidston Terrace mall Shonan  [ 2015/03/24 ]

I'm excited to just be in the shop because of cute design interiors. Cath Kidston is known for a flower printed bag, but also has cute clothes matched with their atmosphere. Especially their sweaters are colorful and make me feel fun even in cold winter. They have anything like dishes, bags, baby items and body care products. I can coordinate totally for myself at this shop. I bought a Tshirt on sale as a present for my friend, but they gave me a wrapping kit for this sale gift. They said nicely that they can't wrap a sale item in the shop so it's very nice. They have a cute cafe next to the shop so I can take a break after shopping.

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