Review:No.176801 Word-of-mouth・Review of rivet & surge Laforet Harajuku Niigata | Fashion Collect

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No.176801 Review of rivet & surge Laforet Harajuku Niigata

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   rivet & surge Laforet Harajuku Niigata  [ 2015/07/30 ]

I was looking for a tote bag for a long time and I went in to this shop as I thought 'That's it!'. There were 2 items I liked and a shop assistant kindly gave me some advice when I was thinking between them. I'm totally satisfied with the bag and I've been using it every day. By the way, I happened to buy T-shirts recommended as they were 10% off for 2 items. They are very cute and I'm very happy with them! My friends often make a nice compliment about them.

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