ABC-MART general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan (1985-)
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: 3.5  -  Point:3,927 pt (Ranking 14,153)


ABC-MART is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan in 1985 and it is 39 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - ABC-MART -

   AEON MALL Takaoka

Went to the AEON Takaoka Summer bargain with mum in July this year. This store is in Toyama pref and we went there when I went back to my parents house in Toyama. I love shopping with mum and we used to go very often when I was living in Toyama. It had been after long time since I moved out Toyama, and I was looking forward to it. AEON was busy due to Sunday but it was easy to park at its car park where there weren't so many cars as we went towards their opening time. While we were looking around, we both wanted to buy shoes and went to ABC MART. There were many items that was sold at 30% off. I found a pair I liked and asked for my size but it took the staff long to bring them as the shop was busy. We found the pairs in our size for both of us in the end and bought them. Because the both pairs were 30% off, we felt that we saved a lot of money and we enjoyed shopping.

   ABC-MART honatsugi Milord

I bought a pair of trainers from VANS. I couldn't decide which one to choose from slip on or laced type and tried on both. I started with the size of 23cm but felt they were too big so asked for smaller size, I tried on total of 4 pairs. Then those smaller pairs were still too big and the staff brought another 2 pairs from their warehouse in the back.
I was wearing a pair of tights and they kindly lent me a pair of socks. I got various help here and there within the shop. There were many customers as they had a renewal sale but they politely helped me and I could find the trainers I liked in the right size.

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