BREEZE general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Hyogo-ken
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: 3.0  -  Point:8,073 pt (Ranking 91)


BREEZE is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Hyogo-ken). Item is Socks, Shirt, Best, Pants, Socks.

Related Reviews  - BREEZE -

   AEON MALL mitouchihara

Went to the AEON Mall Mitouchihara shop on 15th August. It was busy from the point of car park due to the mid Summer holiday time. The shop was also crowded than usual and looked busy. The Autumn items were already in and new arrivals started being sold but the price on the sale items was very reasonable. It was already the time for Summer clearance. It was helpful as the hot climate had been still continued. I went to buy kids' clothes at BREEZE. I bought an oversized T-shirt that would be able to wear next year, and a pair of shorts. The items were getting less and some size and preferred colours were sold out but I could find what I liked at very reasonable price. Also I bought a top at ZARA for myself. Although I thought that it had a Summer sale, I found long sleeved thin knitwear and bought it as the shape was very pretty. It could have been an item from last year? but I would be able to wear in Autumn/Winter and it was very good value for money.

   AEON MALL yamatokoriyama

We went shopping to AEON MALL Yamato-Koriyama on 3rd August. It was the midst of the Summer bargain sale and all the tenant shops had a sale. We went round shops for kids' clothes. I was attracted by an American casual shop called BREEZE, and it wasn't too busy but there were many sale items that were sold at 10% - 50% off. The sale item section was messy as many people were looking at items. While I was looking for the items in different sizes for my 2 kids, a shop assistant came to talk to me and looked for the items with me. She was quick to check the stock and politely served me. I bought 2 pairs of half trousers in Khaki and Beige, and another check trousers. They were very cheap as I could get further discount for purchase of 3 pairs and they were less than 1,000yen each pair. Although I couldn't stay long as I had kids with me, I appreciate the kind, thoughtful staff.

   BREEZE Kopis Kichijoji

I shopped at BREEZE at kids' section on 3rd floor of B Building, bought 2 T-shirts for my son. There are many flashy and colourful clothes that are suitable for lively kids. I bought T-shirts with pop letters for son but my eyes went all over the shop as there were many trousers and hats in pop style. The female staff was also very polite and she nicely wrapped them as a gift. It was very easy to shop as the staff kindly played with kid while I was looking at items.

   breeze kobe motomachi

The trousseau in the store was wearing cute clothing, and the clothing on the selves were neatly organized. Their price is cheaper so you could compare and think about which clothing you want to get and I really enjoyed shopping. I could kept the good distance with the store associates since they were working on something or talking with other customers. There was a cut-sew that I have been keeping my eyes on, and they did not carry the size I want, but when I asked the store associates about it, they dealt with me quickly. In the end, I still was not be able to fine the right size, but I liked how they did not follow me around even after that.

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