CA4LA general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1997-)
Weave Toshi 
Main item
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: 4.0  -  Point:7,773 pt (Ranking 163)

About CA4LA

CA4LA is fashion brand which it was founded by Weave Toshi in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1997 and it is 27 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - CA4LA -


I bought a head band. It was made by fabric woven with Black and Gold threads on top of another fabric woven with Red and Purple threads. It's based on Black but doesn't look heavy as the weave is loose.
Many varieties of hats, head bands and hair accessories are always displayed and I often pop in when I pass by. I like the fashionable interior as well.
It's very easy to find as the shop is on the left hand side after going up to the 2nd floor by the escalator.

   CA4LA LUCUA osaka

I bought a beanie I could wear from Autumn. There were various hats and head accessories in distinctive designs that were different from other shops and I often go there. It's a tiny space nearby escalator but it's easy to look as the trend is neatly packed there. The price is slightly high for hats? but it's worth it. It will stay as it is without any misshaped for years so they are recommended for anyone, guys or girls who wants to be in style.

   CA4LA Yokohama Sotetsu Joinus

Easy to go in as it's directly connected to the station. It looks different from other shops, in very chic atmosphere with dimmed lighting. It's not so big but they have many items; It's always crowded perhaps due to the location.

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