DURAS ambient general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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DURAS ambient

JP / EN ]
DURAS ambient
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2003-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.duras-ambient.com/

Online shop : http://www.duras-store.jp/DefaultBrandTop.aspx?bid=amb


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/ambient_store

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/durasofficial

: 4.0  -  Point:6,389 pt (Ranking 5,115)

About DURAS ambient

DURAS ambient is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2003 and it is 21 years since the establishment. Item is One Piece, Pants, Tank top, Trench coat, Denim jacket.

Related Reviews  - DURAS ambient -


I was looking for a natural-style white shirts. Their items were very elegant, simple and cool, and they were my favorite brand! The dummy inside the store were wearing dressed classy and cool, and I wanted to copycat them. The white shirts would go well with any clothing, but depending on how you would wear them, it could look boring, so I seek a little uniqueness in the simple design.

AMBIENT is a part of DURAS and designed for adult taste. I like the items and their basic colouring like monotone and Beige
Also their shape is well designed to fit our bodies and even jersey items will produce feminine taste.
The price is reasonable so I often buy a few same item in different colours. I'm pleased because Basic items can be worn long time. You want to give it a try their items as they are trendy but reasonable . The chic, feminine co-ordination by the shop assistants can't missed.

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