Amatone Accessorio AEON MALL Kochi


Amatone Accessorio AEON MALL Kochi

JPN:アマトーネ アクセソリーオ イオンモール高知店

1-4-8 Hadaminamimachi,Kochi-shi,Kochi, Japan (MAP)
Nearest station
  • Kōchi Station(Dosan Line) - 11 minute walk
  • Kōchi bashi Station(Tosadentetsu sanbashi Line) - 14 minute walk
  • Hasuikemachidōri Station(Tosadentetsu sanbashi Line) - 18 minute walk
  • Harimayabashi Station(Tosadentetsu gomen Line) - 19 minute walk
  • Iriake Station(Dosan Line) - 19 minute walk
Handling brand
Amatone Accessorio
Retail type
Shop in Shop(AEON MALL Kochi)  
It is retail of Amatone Accessorio. This shop is in 'AEON MALL Kochi'  
:3.0  -  Point:3,197 pt(Ranking 44,363)

Review List

  [ 2015/08/24 19:06:54 ]

Although I understand that they wary the shoplifting, I want them to check customers casually. I don't get annoyed in other shops as they pretend tidying up the accessories when they observe customers. I lost my purchase desire despite the items were cute. The staff who keeps staring at me when our eyes are met is very unpleasant as it's intimidating.

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